Join us for a presentation and live Q&A by Dirk Lueth and Idan Zuckerman, Co-Founders and Co-CEO of Upland, on the Global Blockchain Business Council’s (GBBC) Virtual Members Forum, a bi-weekly webinar showcasing the innovative work of GBBC members around the globe.
The metaverse is the immersive layer of the internet. This does not mean waiting for VR technology to catch-up, but building visual, social and economic immersive ecosystems with the current massly-adopted technologies. A Metaverse Superapp will be the foundations for the experiences and apps that we use to manage our digital lives. From an open-digital economy based on true ownership, to a social layer of avatar interactions, the future platforms for users and brands will be metaverse apps.
While many siloed metaspaces are now being built, the Metaverse itself will be dominated by SuperApps that provide the context, ecosystem and economic foundations for all these metaspaces to connect to.
Upland is the largest web3 metaverse mapped to the real world, with the largest number of unique land-owners. Upland’s users are pioneers of the metaverse economy, and use the platform to trade, create, open businesses, find entertainment, socialize and build communities.
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