GBBC Investor Series with A100x


“A100X Fund on Venture Capital Investment Redefined” In this inaugural episode of the GBBC Investor Series, A100X Fund founders Nisa Amoils and Alex Bulkin, join us to discuss their investment […]

GBBC Virtual Members Forum with ConsenSys

Join us on the next GBBC Virtual Members Forum with Shailee Adinolfi and Guillaume Dechaux of ConsenSys for a live presentation and audience Q&A on ConsenSys's evolution from startup studio to a prominent software company, the recent announcement of ConsenSys acquiring Quorum from JP Morgan, and real world use cases for CBDCs.

GBBC & GDF Global Leaders Series with Irene Arias Hofman


Join us for the next GBBC & GDF Global Leaders Series featuring Irene Arias Hofman, CEO of IDB Lab, the innovation laboratory of the Inter-American Development Bank Group, which is the leading source of financing for improving lives in Latin America and the Caribbean.

GBBC Virtual Members Forum with Kaiko


Join us on the GBBC Virtual Members Forum with Ambre Soubiran, CEO at Kaiko, and Clara Medalie, Strategy Lead at Kaiko, to learn more about how Kaiko is encouraging collaboration between traditional and crypto infrastructure providers to attract a more diverse investor group, which is creating more efficient markets overall.

GBBC & GDF Global Leaders Series with Michael Moro, CEO, Genesis

On this episode of the GBBC & GDF Global Leaders Series, Michael Moro, CEO of Genesis Trading, sits down with GBBC CEO Sandra Ro for a discussion on how Genesis' provides a single point of access for digital asset markets, Michael's role in building Genesis to a major player in the crypto space, and Genesis' goals for 2021.

GBBC University Dialogues on Blockchain & Digital Assets

The GBBC is pleased to partner with the Miami University Blockchain Club (MUBC), based out of the Miami University in Oxford, Ohio on the inaugural session of GBBC's “University Dialogues" focused on the blockchain technology space, particularly digital asset and enterprise blockchain solutions.

GBBC Virtual Members Summit: Americas

Following the success of GBBC Virtual Members Summits EMEA and APAC, the GBBC will host the third virtual members summit focused on the Americas region!

GBBC Legal & Regulatory Group Update

Join us for a conversation with leading lawyers in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space on crypto-custody. In this conversation, we will explore regulatory requirements globally for crypto-custody, and the use of cryptoassets as collateral.

“The Next Frontier: Self-Sovereign Digital Identity” A Fireside Chat produced in partnership with Sovrin Foundation

In an increasingly digital world, the shortcomings of traditional identity systems have been laid bare from rising rates of identity theft to a staggering 1.1 billion people without ownership of an identification document. In response, companies, governments, and organizations have begun developing and deploying digital identity solutions to improve the lives of citizens and customers globally.

GBBC & GDF Global Leaders Series with Sherry Madera, London Stock Exchange Group

Join us for the next GBBC & GDF Global Leaders Series featuring Sherry Madera, Global Head of Industry and Government Affairs at Refinitiv, a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange Group, for a conversation on Sherry's experience in working for Refinitiv and LSEG, and how they refine and deploy the world's data to power and connect global financial communities, serving more than 40,000 institutions in approximately 190 countries.

Commission on Science and Technology for Development

GBBC CEO Sandra Ro will attend a high-level roundtable on harnessing blockchain for sustainable development. The roundtable will discuss prospects and challenges of adopting blockchain into the area of sustainability. 

Hyperledger Global Forum

GBBC is proud to be a Community Partner for Hyperledger's Global Forum! Hyperledger Global Forum 2021 will offer the opportunity for users and contributors of Hyperledger projects from across the globe to connect, network and collaborate virtually.